Aliivibrio fischeri:
Full digital guide

[Ref. 1] Micrograph showing fluorescently stained Aliivibrio fischeri cells.

LSCI 2320 Microbial Ecologies
Last updated on October 12th, 2022

General information

Gram staining Gram-negative
Shape Rod-shaped (bacillus)
Nutrition Heterotrophic/ saphotrophic
Mobility Motile using flagella
Environment Temperate and subtropical aquatic environments
Living State Exist either in free-living planktonic state OR in symbiosis with luminescent fish/squid


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A. fischeri

Symbiosis with E. scolopes

[Ref. 2] Hawaiian bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes)

[Ref. 3] A. fischeri cells in electron micrograph

A notable ecological interaction for A. fischeri is with E. scolopes, also known as the Hawaiian bobtail squid.


During the day, the squid buries itself under sand for protection and filters bacteria inside itself through the water via two appendages on its body. Due to specifically-sized cilia on its appendages, only a single A. fischeri bacterium (and no other species!) is able to fit and stream inside. Once inside, it reaches the squid’s light organ, where it can reproduce and accumulate its population.


At night, the squid must travel up the water column to hunt. The moon’s rays give it a shadow, placing it in a vulnerable position against potential predators. Through A. fischeri's bioluminescence, the squid also emits light, effectively erasing its shadow for any organisms underneath it.

Benefits for bacteria
  • Shelter and protection (no longer in a vulnerable planktonic state)
  • Receives nutrients shared by squid
Expenses for bacteria
  • Must use significant amount of generate bioluminiscence

Benefits for squid
  • Receives protective bioluminescence, allowing it to hunt and survive
Expenses for squid
  • Must expend energy and nutrients for maintaining bacteria

Quorum Sensing

[Ref. 4] Dense population of A. fischeri cells showing some bioluminescence.

Bioluminescence Simulation

Enter the light organ