Shravani Bagawde
Online/Offline ← View Link
Project: Interview

For this project, I had the opportunity to interview one of my peers, Evelyn. The focus of our interview was settling into college, after completing a year online. Since our interview was remotely conducted, I explored mosaic and disjointed arrays of presenting our back and forths.
Kadha ← View Link
Project: Rock Garden

My “rock garden” is an archive of ancient Indian remedies, that have been orally passed through my family. I tried to bridge the tie between generations by transcribing them in an English digital space, but also maintaining the traditional visual system of the original ancient manuscripts.
Morning Playlist ← View Link
Exercise: Hovering

This was my very first coding assignment. In this webpage, one can hover over different parts of the description of my daily walk to classes. The corresponding song that played during that part of the walk is then displayed. A link to a short Spotify playlist of these songs is also available at the top.
Magic ← View Link
Exercise: Responsive Media

After learning about media queries and flexboxes, I applied these techniques to a customized format of the Wikipedia page on magic. The colors of the page change depending on the width of the browser window and lean into the effect of magical (or rather digital) tricks.
October Tableau ← View Link
Exercise: Coding from Life

I enjoyed using CSS to create a simple interpretation of a still life we were given. As it was around Halloween, I used a similar color scheme, and gradients to give the illustration a softer feeling.
Vertigo ← View Link
Exercise: CSS Animation

I used keyframes and rotate mechanisms in conjunction to create a simply spinning man, who spirals further upon hovering over him.
Eat the Guava! ← View Link
Exercise: Javascript Activity

To demonstrate my newly learned Javascript skills, I created a simple webpage. By toggling a button, a user can take a bit out of a guava and return it back to its full form.
Rainbow ← View Link
Exercise: P5.js Libraries

By using P5.js and experimenting with its capabilities, I created a rainbow “brush” that one can draw around with.
Celebrate ← View Link
Exercise: P5.js Libraries

For my second P5.js activity, I used random and mapping functions to create a webpage that becomes gradually full with confetti-like circles that enlarge or shrink depending on the position of the user’s mouse on the window.
Take me back up. ↑